
Tips For the Best Ways To Work Remotely From Home…

Now that many of us are working and/or studying from home, many, like myself, may be finding that it’s not all fun and games.

While there are good benefits such as no commute (just a few steps to the desk) there are many things we can do to set ourselves up for success.

Follow a routine. Still stick to a morning routine that you normally would if going into a physical work/office space. Whatever you normally do to get ready in the morning. I like to still follow my pre-leaving the house method of waking up, meditating/reflecting/praying, showering, get ready to leave the house. Prior I would grab coffee/breakfast on the way to work, but now I have time to make it at home. I DON’T go overboard on the breakfast. Leave that for the weekends.

Focus. I find it easiest to focus first thing in the morning, sitting right at my desk. While I do quickly catch up on the news through a quick glance at notifications or a quick 10 minute new podcast of the headlines, I try not to get caught up in a timesink. Checking the full news articles, or email can quickly lead to 30-45 minutes later.

And I find it best not to turn on the TV at all. The less media that bombards me first thing, the better. This allows me to collect my thoughts and processes and let my mind concentrate on the task at hand. Which leads me to our next point…

Avoid/Minimize Distractions. Turn off the TV. If listening to music, listen to music that allows me to focus like classical.

Work/Office Area. While not all may have a dedicated spare room to use for a full office, having a space dedicated for work/studying will allow you to better focus. This helps your mind get into the right frame.

What are your tips for the best ways to work or school remotely from home?

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