
Clubhouse App…the new “Drop-In Audio Chat” App Lighting Up the Tech Community…

I was able to start a Clubhouse account over the New Year weekend.

Clubhouse is a new type of social product based on voice. The app that bills itself as a “Drop-in audio chat” social network. It allows people everywhere to talk, tell stories, develop ideas, deepen friendships, and meet interesting new people around the world.

It takes a uniquely different and intriguing position in the social networking atmosphere, just when you may have thought any possible routes to the saturated market were exhausted.

Initial thoughts…

After hearing about the Clubhouse-app pop-up with recurring frequency in various media outlets recently , I tried it out, and I instantly “get-it”! The intrigue and potential were palpable, and immediately started sparking off synapses in my mind. The platform seems like it has A LOT of potential and taps into a unique aspect of social media. It’s like an on-going conversation, like being at a conference with many different rooms that host different topics and panelists.

I’ve been on Clubhouse about 3 days now and its already become a thing with me, easily dethroning all the other social media apps for the past few days, a sentiment that is overwhelmingly felt by other new users . I instantly ‘got it’ and realized immediately how great a tool this could be! (I haven’t been this excited about a new app possibly since Instagram, maybe Snap.) It easily became the app attracting much of my time hands down over the others. This is a major draw about Clubhouse, that you can switch over to other apps, and you can even click your phone to sleep mode and tuck it in your pocket or bag, while still listening and following along to the conversation.

You can jump around to different conversations like switching the station on the radio. Once a room ends it disappears and is gone from the list of available rooms.

The amount of rooms and even which rooms you see, seems to be based off a algorithm that is probably being re-tested & re-tweaked.

I see Clubhouse being such a change to the industry and that it will address issues not yet being addressed.

Lastly, Clubhouse also reminds me of Twitter back in the day, in the same way that people fell into two camps, those who instantly “got-it!” and those who didn’t. It’ll be very interesting to see which of my current personal and professional network gravitate to this new app and which don’t.

Keep looking, you’ll find your tribe eventually by following the people with similar interests and yours and by joining and discovering ever-changing environment of rooms.