
Blockchain & Money: Session 6: Smart Contracts & DApps by M.I.T. Sloan School of Management with Professor Gary Gensler

Blockchain and Money–Class/Session 6–Prof. Gary Gensler MIT Sloan School of Management

Session 6: Smart Contracts and DApps

  • Session 6 Study Questions:
    • What are smart contracts? How do they compare to traditional contracts? What are tokens?
    • What are smart contract platforms such as Ethereum? What generally distinguishes them from Bitcoin?
    • What are decentralized application (DApps)? What has been the usage and why haven’t any DApps yet received wide consumer adoption?
  • Session 6 Readings:
    • Required:
      • “Smart Contracts: 12 Use cases for Business & Beyond”, Chamber of Digital Commerce.
      • “State of the DApps: 5 Observations from Usage Data”, McCann.
      • “Ethereum Competitors: Guide to the Alternative Smart Contract Platforms”, Blockonomi.
    • Optional:
      • “Smart Contracts: Building Blocks for Digital Markets”, Szabo.
      • “A Next-Generation Smart Contract & Decentralized Application Platform”, Ethereum.
      • “Blockchain Technology as a Regulatory Technology”, De Filippi & Hassan.

Overview: Review of Course Projects; Smart Contracts; Blockchain Design with Smart Contracts; DApps and Token Sales; Legal Issues of Smart Contracts; Conclusions.

Smart Contracts

  • “A set of promises, specified in digital form, including protocols within which the parties perform on these promises.” –Nick Szabo, 1996.
  • However…
    • Smart Contracts may not be ‘Smart’, but rather ‘dumb’ contracts. (Smart here does NOT imply the use of A.I.!!)
    • Smart Contracts may not be ‘Contracts’
  • Bitcoin vs. Ethereum Design:
    • Founder: Satoshi Nakamoto vs. Vatalik Buterin
    • Genesis: January 2009 vs. July 2015
    • Code: Non-Turing (Script) vs. Turing Complete (Solidity, Serpent, LLL, or Mutan)
    • Ledger: UTXO-Transaction vs. State-Account Based (Balance)
    • Merkle Trees: Transactions vs. Transactions, State, Storage, Receipts (w/ nonces)
    • Block Time: 10 minutes vs. 14 seconds
    • Consensus: Proof of Work vs. Proof of Work
    • Hash Function: SHA256 vs. Ethash
    • Currency: Bitcoin vs. ETH
    • Mining: ASIC vs. GPU
    • Hashrate: 54 Exahash/s vs. 260 Terahash/s
    • Pre-sale: None vs. ICO & Prerelease of 72 m ETH
    • Rewards: 12.5 BTC/block vs. 3 ETH/block
    • Monetary Policy: 1/2s every 210,000 blocks (4 yrs) vs. Fixed, but changes by updates (was 5/block; proposal to 2)
    • Fees: Voluntary vs. Needed & market based.
  • Smart Contract Platforms
    • Ethereum (2015)–$22 billion current market value (2018)
    • EOS (2018)–$5 billion–completed $4.2 billion year long ICO in July (2018)
    • Neo (2016)–$1.1 billion–China; delegated BFT; supports wider range of code
    • Ethereum Classic (2016)–$1.1 billion; Created from the ‘DAO’ hard fork
    • LISK (2016)–$360 million–code in Java; uses side chains
    • Stratis (2017)–$150 million
  • Smart Contract Potential Use Cases (Digital Chamber of Commerce 12/16):
    • Digital Identity
    • Records
    • Securities
    • Trade Finance
    • Derivatives
    • Financial Data
    • Mortages
    • Land Title
    • Supply Chain
    • Auto Insurance
    • Clinical Trials
    • Cancer Research
  • Decentralized Applications (dApps)
    • Applications run on a Decentralized Blockchain Network
    • Generally have a Native Token & Run as a Smart Contract on top of a Platform.
  • Initial Coin Offerings–Crowdfunding for Investment & Consumption
    • Proceeds used to build networks
    • Tokens usually issued prior to being functional
    • Development, while open source, is largely centralized
    • Promoters allocate themselves ‘premined’ tokens
    • Tokens are fungible & transferable
    • Scarcity is fostered with preset ‘Monetary policy’
    • Purchasers anticipate profits through appreciation
  • Conclusions:
    • Nakamoto’s P2P Money —> Buterin’s Ethereum P2P Computing
    • Smart Contracts & DApps Provide:
      • Decentralized Computing &
      • Self Executing Commitments
    • Token Sales for Proposed DApps have Spawned new form of Crowdfunding–Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
    • Amongst 1000’s of Proposals & Offerings, Few DApps have yet Gained Wide Consumer Adoption
    • Smart Contracts and DApps, though, have real Potential to bring Change

