
Working With the Command-Line Interface–NETWORKING ESSENTIALS—CompTIA A+ (220-1001) A-PLUS Certification Prep Course Notes

Working With the Command-Line Interface

  • Understanding the CLI
    • All operating systems offer a command line interface (CLI).
    • A specific CLI is called a ‘shell’; most OSes provide multipole shell choices.
    • All shells have a prompt to type in commands.
    • Many commands use switches ( -n, -a, etc.)
    • All shells offer some form of help. (Type <help> or /?)
  • Navigating the CLI: Windows/Linux
    • Use the ‘cd’ command in all OSes to move the prompt to different folders/directories.
    • Make sure you can use the ‘cd’ command in Windows, Mac and Linux environments to navigate a system. (Mac & Linux are based on Unix.)
    • To change drives in Windows, type the drive letter at a prompt and press the Enter key.
  • Navigating the CLI: Working with Folders
    • Use the ‘md’ or ‘mkdir’ command to make a folder or directory.
    • Windows is case insensitive; Linux is case sensitive.
    • Use the ‘rd’ or ‘rmdir’ command to delete or remove a folder or directory.
    • Use ‘rd /s’ in Windows or ‘rm -r’ in Linux to remove a directory and its contents.
  • Working with Files
    • Use the ‘del’ command to delete files
    • Use wildcards (*) to work with multiple files at a time.
    • Use the ‘copy’ command to copy files.
    • ‘Move’ is identical to ‘copy’ but deletes the original.
    • Know the ‘delete’, ‘copy’, & ‘move’ commands for Linux.
  • Working with Drives, Part 1
    • The ‘format’ command formats partitions & uses many switches to control the type of format.
    • ‘chkdsk’ fixes formatted partitions.
    • ‘sfc’ repairs critical Windows files based on the system store.
    • ‘dism’ repairs critical Windows files based on online system stores.
    • ‘diskpart’ partitions drives.
  • Super Copy Commands
    • The ‘copy’ command is is inconvenient for copying directory trees.
    • ‘xcopy’ is the original Windows tool to copy entire directory trees, including any files in the tree.
    • ‘robocopy’ is an improved version of ‘xcopy’, it’s faster and safer.
    • Linux uses the ‘dd’ command.
  • Advanced Windows Command Line
    • The ‘shutdown’ command shuts down the system.
    • ‘tasklist’ & ‘taskkill’ lists & shuts down processes on a system.
    • ‘gpupdate’ or ‘gpresult’ forces policy updates to a system and lists the resultant policy.
  • Advanced Linux Commands, Part 1
    • ‘shutdown’ shuts down the system
    • ‘apt-get’ gives users access to the Debian repository.
    • The ‘ps’ command gives control over processes.
    • ‘kill’ shuts down processes.
    • ‘Vi’ is an ancient text editor.
  • Command-Line Permissions
    • ‘icacls’ enables changing NTFS permissions from the command line
    • ‘chmod’ enables changing Linux permissions
      • ‘chmod’ changes file permissions in a Linux environment.
    • These tools require the user to understand how permissions work, with the Windows & Linux platforms.
    • ‘chown’ enables root users to take control of any Linux folder or file.
      • ‘chown’ changes ownership
    • ‘passwd’ changes password
  • Introduction to Scripting
    • A batch file is a text file that stores a list of commands.
    • Batch files use a “.bat” file extension.
    • Environment variables are phrases that point to system-wide functions.
    • PowerShell provides far more powerful scripts.
    • Linux bash shell scripts also provide powerful scripting functions.
  • Interpreted Languages
    • Operating systems have built-in interpreters.
    • Visual Basic uses files with the “.vbs” extension.
    • Python files use the extension “.py”.
    • Javascript (“.js” extension) is popular for web applications