Blockchain & Money: Session 18: , by M.I.T. Sloan School of Management with Professor Gary Gensler
Session 18:
- Session 18: Study Questions:
- What are the opportunities that the Intercontinental Exchange is trying to tap with its recent announcement of Bakkt? Is it more about payment solutions or exchange trading?
- What to Microsoft and Starbucks hope to gain for their business models?
- Who is Jeff Sprecher? Who is Kelly Loeffler? How did these two–once a power plant entrepreneur and equity research analyst–successfully found a leading trading company, take over the New York Stock Exchange and now challenge conventions with bitcoin and blockchain technology
- Session 18: Readings:
- ‘ICE Announces Bakkt, a Global Platform and Ecosystem for Digital Assets’, ICE.
- ‘The NYSE’s Owner Wants to Bring Bitcoin to Your 401(k). Are Crypto Credit Cards Next?’, Forbes.
- ‘Starbucks App Leads Mobile Payment Competitors’, eMarketer.
- ‘Kelly Loeffler–Medium’, Kelly Loeffler–3 posts
- Additional Readings as Posted on Canvas
- Session 18: Guest Questions:
- General:
- Where are you from minimalist to maximalist for cryptocurrencies and ICOs?
- For Blockchain Technology to change the financial sector?
- Other than Bakkt, what are the most interesting Blockchain and Crypto initiatives you see? What do you think of recent Fidelity announcement?
- Specific on Bakkt:
- After more than a year of researching crypto opportunities, why did this approach?
- What is the value proposition for ICE with its recent announcement of Bakkt?
- Do you see the value creation more about payment solutions or exchange trading?
- What do Microsoft and Starbucks hope to gain for their business models?
- What is potential of blockchain technology to change how ICE provides clearing and trading services?
- General: