
Blockchain & Money: Session 7: Technical Challenges by M.I.T. Sloan School of Management with Professor Gary Gensler

Blockchain and Money–Class/Session 7–Prof. Gary Gensler MIT Sloan School of Management

Session 7: Technical Challenges

  • Session 7 Study Questions:
    • How critical are the technical and commercial challenges–scalability, efficiency, privacy, security, interoperability–of current blockchain technology?
    • What are the possible tradeoffs of decentralizaton, scalability and security? What are tradeoffs of consensus software updates, governance and so-called ‘hard forks’?
    • What might current work–Layer 2 applications, zero-knowledge proofs, alternative consensus algorithms–do to address current commercial challenges?
  • Session 7 Readings:
    • Required:
      • ‘Geneva Report’ Chapter 2 (pages 9-16); Casey, Crane, Gensler, Johnson, & Narula
      • ‘On the Scalability of Blockchains’ The Control
      • ‘Transaction Speeds: How do Cryptocurrencies Speeds Stack up to Visa or PayPal?’,
      • ‘Layer 2/ the Lightening Network’ Digital Currency Initiative
      • ‘Top 8 Privacy Coins’ Invest in Blockchain
    • Optional:
      • ‘On Sharding Blockchains’ Ethereum Wiki
      • ‘zkLedger: Privacy-Preserving Auditing for Distributed Ledgers’ Narula, Vasquez & Virza

Overview: Blockchain Technical Features; Framework for Comparing Costs and Trade-offs of Decentralization; Challenges with Blockchain Technology; Buterin Trilemma; Possible Solutions for Scalability, Efficiency, Privacy, & Interoperability; Governance Most Challenging; Conclusion.

Framework for Comparing Costs & Trade-offs (Coase):

  • Challenges with Blockchain Technology:
    • Performance, Security & Efficiency
    • Privacy & Security
    • Interoperability
    • Governance & Collective Action
    • Commercial Use Cases
    • Public Policy & Legal Frameworks
  • Vitalik Buterin’s Trilemma–Can you achieve all 3???
    • Some people debate that decentralization comes with a cost to scalability & security, or that if you want scalability & security, then you can’t have decentralization. That there’s a “give and take”.
Can you achieve all 3???
  • Performance, Scalability, & Efficiency:
    • Throughput:
      • Bitcoin: 7-10 transactions/sec.
      • Ethereum: 20 transactions/sec.
      • Visa: 24,000/sec.
      • DTCC (Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation): up to 100,000/sec
  • Proof-of-Work Energy Consumption:
    • Bitcoin: estimates range
    • Digiconomist estimates 200 million kwh/day–Equivalent to Electricity consumption of:
      • 6.8 millions U.S. homes
      • 0.33% of the World, or
      • Austria
  • Side Chains, Sharding, Layer 2 & Payment Channels:
    • activities that happen off the main chain & settles up with the main chain at a later point.
  • Alternative Consensus Protocols:
    • Generally Randomized or Delegated Selection of Notes to Validate next block.
      • May have added mechanism to confirm Black Validators’ Work
    • Randomized Selection May be based upon:
      • Proof of Stake–Stake in Native Currency
      • Proof of Activity–Hybrid of POW of POS
      • Proof of Burn–Validation comes with Burning of Coins.
      • Proof of Capacity (Storage or Space)–Based upon Hardware Space.

Delecated Selection May be based upon Tiered System of Nodes

  • Major Permissionless Blockchain Applications still use Proof of Work–though:
    • DASH is a hybrid of POW with a tiered system of ‘Master nodes’
    • NEO uses a Delegated protocol of ‘Professional Nodes’
  • Privacy & Security:
    • Contradictory Tensions of Pseudonymous Addresses
      • Law Enforcement & Regulators want more transparency
      • Financial institutions, regulators, & some users want less public transparency
    • Concerns about coins & mechanisms fostering illicit activities.
      • Coins: Dash, Monero, Zcash
      • Mechanisms: Mixers or Tumblers
  • Cybersecurity Challenges of private key Custody, Generation, & Storage
    • Significant Losses due to Hacks, Mismanagement & Thefts.
    • This brings also a whole set of financial, custody issues, & asymmetric risk issues, if a key gets lost or hacked.
  • Possible Solutions involve a) Zero Knowledge Proofs, & b) Pedersen Commitments
    • Cryptographic Primitives that: a) lets someone prove a statement is true without revealing the details of exactly why that statement is true, & b) commit to data (like hash) but can also combine commitments.
  • Interoperability:
    • Linking Blockchain Application to Legacy databases, infrastructures, and technologies.
    • Raises ‘Costs of Trust’ in Coordinating the Transfer of Assets & Information into the Blockchain or Across Chains.
    • A solution may be to enable Decentralized Mechanisms (including Side Chains or a ‘Layer 0’) for data transfers across chains.
    • Far more work is needed to achieve seamless movement between and amongst new Blockchain Technology and existing Technology.
  • Consensus Required for Certain Software Updates:
    • Open Source software updates which are not backward compatible
      • Older versions won’t validate all new blocks
      • Similar to if Excel or Word updates and new files are not compatible.
    • Leads to ‘Hard Forks’
    • Blockchain–Consensus supports the longest chain
  • Collective Action:
    • Blockchain applications derive their value from the participation of multiple parties in a network, adoption requires collective action.
    • Chicken & egg dilemma: need early adopters to start network effects, but path to incremental adoption is not often clear.
  • Financial Sector Currently Favors Permissioned Blockchains:
    • Known set of participants
    • No proof-of-work or mining
    • No need for a native currency
    • Distribute database technology
  • vs. Permissionless Blockchains:
    • Unknown participants
    • Security based on incentives
    • Native Currency
    • Crypto-economics
  • Conclusions:
    • Blockchain provides P2P Networking, but with costs
    • Decentralization costs and Trade-offs of Permissioned Systems.
    • For Scalability, Efficiency, & Privacy Challenges–it’s early days but promising work exists on possible solutions–Side chains, Alternative Consensus Protocols, & Zero Knowledge Proofs.
    • Challenges of Interoperability might benefit from Decentralized Mechanisms across chains.
    • Governance & Collective Action Issues inherent to the design may end up being the most challenging to solve.


Video Link: Session 7: Technical Challenges.