
NYC Plastic Bag Ban Takes Effect…

[Originally written October 24th, 2020.]

NYC’s plastic bag-ban law finally kicked in.

I noticed that many supermarkets were still using plastic bags as the enforcement of the law had been postponed due to the pandemic. But now the law seems to be being enforced as the local supermarket I went to which up to now had been still using plastic bags (and at no extra 5-cent charge) now had removed all plastic bags. The checkout cashier asked if I needed a bag and offered the stores logo reusable bag for sale (upselling!). And they also have brown-paper bags available for a 5-cent charge.

I had been stocking up and saving my plastic grocery bags during trips to the supermarket as in anticipation of their removal and always carry some extra with me in by tote bag.

I now take EXTRA care of them so they stay in good working condition. I prefer them over the brown-paper bags because one, the brown bags rip easier, IMO and many of the brown paper bags don’t have handles. Handles on a bag are a HUGE necessity that make trips to the store easier.

I now find myself guarding my supply of stocked plastic bags so that they will last as long as possible. (And sorry person behind me, if you didn’t bring your own bags, these aren’t for sale.) I find myself carefully placing items in them so they don’t rip or get any holes. I’m extra careful about canned foods and other items that can puncture the bags. And with items like meats I’m careful so that the juices don’t leak out and contaminate the bag. (Pro-tip–I also use the clear produce bags from the produce section to place my meat items in before placing them in my shopping cart and subsequently into my precious bags. I’ve done this practice even before the plastic bag ban so that meat/poultry juices don’t cross-contaminate by dripping onto other items in my cart and also so they don’t spill on the conveyer belt at check-out and so the cashier doesn’t get their hands dirty as well. And when I come home I carefully and neatly fold them up after unpacking and put them up for next use.

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