
Blockchain & Money: Session 19: Primary Markets, ICOs, and Venture Capital, Part 1, by M.I.T. Sloan School of Management with Professor Gary Gensler

Blockchain and Money–Class/Session 19–Prof. Gary Gensler MIT Sloan School of Management

Session 19: Primary Markets, ICOs, and Venture Capital, Part 1

  • Overview: Readings and Study Questions; Review of Bakkt Discussion; Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Characteristics; Evaluating ICOs; ICO Statistics; Conclusions.
  • Session 19: Study Questions
    • What is the new crowdfunding mechanism of blockchain technology–initial coin offerings (ICOs)?
    • What attributes help distinguish successful ICOs? Why have so many ICOs failed?
    • What has the wave of ICOs meant for the venture capital field?
  • Session 19: Readings
    • ‘All-Time Cumulative ICO Funding’, CoinDesk.
    • ‘Initial Coin Offerings and the Value of Crypto Tokens’, Catalini and Gans.
    • ’10 keys for evaluating Initial Coin Offering (ICO investments)’, Crypto Potato.
    • ‘Nearly Half of 2017 Cryptocurrency “ICO” Projects Have Already Died’, Forbes.
    • ‘The Rise of the ICO, and What It Could Mean for Venture Capital’, Visual Capitalist.
    • ‘How to Launch An ICO, A Detailed Guide’, Coin Telegraph.
    • Optional: ‘J.R. Willett: How I Invented the First ICO’, radarZero.
  • Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
    • Proceeds used to build networks
    • Tokens usually issued prior to being functional
    • Development, while open source, is largely centralized
    • Promoters allocate themselves ‘premined’ tokens
    • Tokens are fungible & transferable
    • Scarcity is fostered with preset ‘Monetary policy’
    • Purchasers anticipate profits through appreciation
  • Evaluating ICOs
    • Assess Viability of Token Use Case
    • Whitepaper Details and Source Code
    • The Team
    • Venture Capital Involvement
    • Media and Community–Reddit, Medium, BitcoinTalk, …
    • Monetary Policy
    • Token Distribution
    • Regulatory Compliance
  • Use Cases: Assessing Costs & Benefits
    • Strategic questions?
      • What is the value creation proposition?
      • What problem or ‘pain point’ is being solved?
      • What are competitors doing to address similar ‘pain points’?
      • Why is blockchain technology and native token the best solution?
    • Specifics of the blockchain technology and native token use case?
      • Which costs of verification or networking can be reduced?
      • Which transactions need recording?
      • Which stakeholders need write and read access to ledgers?
      • What is the customer interface and how is it better than current interface?
    • Costs of technical challenges and transition?
      • What tradeoffs are necessary?
        • scalability, performance, privacy, security, interoperability & coordination
      • Can Permissioned blockchain or Traditional Data Base adequately address use case?
      • How can broad adoption be realized?
    • Are net benefits sufficient?
  • ICO & Blockchain VC Markets 2018 3Q
    • $1.8 Billion ICO Raised–Down 78% from Q2
    • $1.0 Billion Blockchain VC Raised
    • 597 ICO Projects
      • 84% on Ethereum platform
      • 4% Listed on Exchanges
      • 57% raised less than $100,000
      • 67% of DApp ICOs were unsuccessful
  • Conclusions:
    • Initial Coin Offerings are a New Means of Crowdfunding
    • Assessing Viability of Use Cases is Critical
    • Benefits of Tokens Economics are still Uncertain
    • A Majority of ICOs have Failed
    • After a Boom Offerings have Declined
    • Living within Investor Protection and Public Policy Frameworks also Key
