Security issue in Apple Airdrop allow attackers to steal personal information
Simple tip for NON-TECH users…This security issue can also be mitigated by sticking to the principle of least privilege, even when it comes to seemingly innocent apps, that are just trying to make our lives easier. If you’re not actively using Apple’s AirDrop feature, then DO NOT have it running in the background, unnecessarily. “So far, Apple has neither acknowledged the problem nor indicated that they are working on a solution,” the researchers concluded. “This means that the users of more than 1.5 billion Apple devices are still vulnerable to the outlined privacy attacks. Users can only protect themselves by disabling AirDrop discovery in the system settings and by refraining…
Clubhouse App…the new “Drop-In Audio Chat” App Lighting Up the Tech Community…
I was able to start a Clubhouse account over the New Year weekend. Clubhouse is a new type of social product based on voice. The app that bills itself as a “Drop-in audio chat” social network. It allows people everywhere to talk, tell stories, develop ideas, deepen friendships, and meet interesting new people around the world. It takes a uniquely different and intriguing position in the social networking atmosphere, just when you may have thought any possible routes to the saturated market were exhausted. Initial thoughts… After hearing about the Clubhouse-app pop-up with recurring frequency in various media outlets recently , I tried it out, and I instantly “get-it”! The intrigue…