Networking Notes—The Process Status Command, NETSTAT, & LSOF
The PS Command ps—the process status command, is used to provide info about currently running processes, including their process identification numbers (PID’s). A process, also referred to as a task, is an executing (running) instance of a program. Every process is assigned a unique PID by the system. The basic syntax is: ps [options] ex: ps -aux PS results in 4 items: PID, TTY (‘Terminal Type’, or ‘teletype’, TIME, & CMD. The ‘-aux’ parameter combinations shows: ‘-a’ option shows all user processes; ‘-a’ option tells ps to list the processes of all users on the system rather than just those of the current user, with the exception of group leaders…
Computer Science (CompSci) Notes
Step 1–Define the problem to solve Step 2–Define a solution Step 3-Write a program that implements the solution Step 4-Compile the program Step 5-Link object files Step 6-Test program Step 7-Debug C++ (C plus plus) files should end in a “.cpp” extension to indicate a C++ source file. (ex: name.cpp) Use a C++ compiler to compile a C++ (.cpp) program. The C++ compiler sequentially goes through each source code (.cpp) file in your program and does 2 important tasks: FIRST, it checks the code to make sure it follows the rules of the C++ language. If it does not, the compiler will give you an error to help pinpoint what…
Hackers Add a Backdoor to PHP Source Code; 79% of Websites Use PHP
According to the Bleeping Computer new service, PHP’s Git server was hacked via a backdoor to the PHP source code. PHP is a general-purpose scripting language especially suited to web development. Typically a server-side programming language, PHP powers many sites on the internet including big players like Wikipedia and Facebook. In this latest attack the official PHP Git repository was hit and the code base was tampered with. Yesterday, two malicious commits were pushed to the php-src Git repository maintained by the PHP team on their git.php.net server. The threat actors had signed off on these commits as if these were made by known PHP developers and maintainers, Rasmus Lerdorf …
Linked In, Microsoft, GitHub Offer Pandemic Relief through Online Education Training Courses & Certification…
As part of the Microsoft Ecosystem, Linked In, GitHub and Microsoft are helping 25 million jobseekers get back to work through a global skills initiative aimed at helping workers learn the digital skills needed for the new economy. They are working together across various Microsoft-owned platforms to make all the resources available for free for everyone in one place — opportunity.linkedin.com. Linked In is one of the less flashy, less talked-about social networks but it still holds its own with an impressive amount of traffic. I actually have found that I enjoy using it and found it to be a great resource for industry news and updates and of course the…
Learning To Program Is Hard…
Learning to program is hard. Learning to program on your own is REALLY hard. In my journey, I’ve come across many different courses, books, videos and other seemingly endless ways of learning. Some more confusing than others. But by way of self-studying, while frustrating, I’ve also gained the confidence of accomplishment from learning on my own and knowing how to get the information I need. There are time’s I want to quit. Many times. Sometimes, just having the right learning materials and methods of instruction can make ALL the difference. I firmly believe this. Similar to what separates a good trainer from and bad trainer, or a good teacher from…
Vim–The Vi IMproved Text Editor
As happens SO MANY times when I am learning to program, I start off on one topic, and then, the journey quickly swerves into unchartered territory and I find myself in the deep reaches of the Google-verse searching up topics I didn’t even know existed or previously knew little to nothing about. It was during one such journey that I stumbled across Vim. Upon first learning about it, I quickly opened it up in my command line to see what it was, and then, just as quickly, I ended up hating it. As seems to be the norm for many a Vim newbie. But seeing that is was a lightweight…
Learning To Program Frustrations…
Sometimes I get so frustrated learning this programming. I find myself just seeming to go through the motions of reading and re-reading the material, analyzing each chapter over and over again. I follow the exercises, typing them in repetitively and seeming to just go through the motions. At points it feels like nothing is sinking in and that I’m not even recalling the previous lessons I’ve learned, which further adds to my frustration. It’s these lows that counter-balance and depress the highs that I receive when I actually get a concept and it seems to sink in.