Networking Notes—The Process Status Command, NETSTAT, & LSOF
The PS Command ps—the process status command, is used to provide info about currently running processes, including their process identification numbers (PID’s). A process, also referred to as a task, is an executing (running) instance of a program. Every process is assigned a unique PID by the system. The basic syntax is: ps [options] ex: ps -aux PS results in 4 items: PID, TTY (‘Terminal Type’, or ‘teletype’, TIME, & CMD. The ‘-aux’ parameter combinations shows: ‘-a’ option shows all user processes; ‘-a’ option tells ps to list the processes of all users on the system rather than just those of the current user, with the exception of group leaders…
Computer Science (CompSci) Notes
Step 1–Define the problem to solve Step 2–Define a solution Step 3-Write a program that implements the solution Step 4-Compile the program Step 5-Link object files Step 6-Test program Step 7-Debug C++ (C plus plus) files should end in a “.cpp” extension to indicate a C++ source file. (ex: name.cpp) Use a C++ compiler to compile a C++ (.cpp) program. The C++ compiler sequentially goes through each source code (.cpp) file in your program and does 2 important tasks: FIRST, it checks the code to make sure it follows the rules of the C++ language. If it does not, the compiler will give you an error to help pinpoint what…
Security issue in Apple Airdrop allow attackers to steal personal information
Simple tip for NON-TECH users…This security issue can also be mitigated by sticking to the principle of least privilege, even when it comes to seemingly innocent apps, that are just trying to make our lives easier. If you’re not actively using Apple’s AirDrop feature, then DO NOT have it running in the background, unnecessarily. “So far, Apple has neither acknowledged the problem nor indicated that they are working on a solution,” the researchers concluded. “This means that the users of more than 1.5 billion Apple devices are still vulnerable to the outlined privacy attacks. Users can only protect themselves by disabling AirDrop discovery in the system settings and by refraining…
What is Blockchain Technology?
Cryptocurrency a medium of exchange; a digital asset. its created & stored electronically in the blockchain, using encryption techniques to control the creation of monetary units and to verify the transfer of funds. (Bitcoin is the most widely know example.) Cryptocurrency has no intrinsic value (meaning not redeemable for another commodity, such as gold). It has no physical form (and exists only in the network). Cryptocurrency is DECENTRALIZED. It’s supply is not determined by a central bank; the network is completely decentralized. Blockchain–a distributed ledger technology; a database that is shared, replicated and in-sync. Blockchain–a blockchain is a decentralized ledger of all transactions across a peer-to-peer network. By using blockchain…
Blockchain & Money: Session 24: Conclusion, by M.I.T. Sloan School of Management with Professor Gary Gensler
Overview: Money and Ledgers; Satoshi Nakamoto’s Innovation; Economics of Blockchain Technology; Financial Sector Opportunities; Crypto Finance; Public Policy Frameworks; Conclusions & Pay It Forward. What is the Role of Money? Biblio: Gary Gensler. 15.S12 Blockchain and Money. Fall 2018. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, https://ocw.mit.edu. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Video Link: Session 24: Conclusion. Slides Link: Session 24: Conclusion, Slides.
Blockchain & Money: Session 23: Digital ID, by M.I.T. Sloan School of Management with Professor Gary Gensler
Session 23: Digital ID Overview: Readings and Study Questions; Identity; Identity and Access Management; State Projects; Identity & Blockchain Technology; Your MIT Blockchain Diploma; Conclusions. Session 23: Study Questions What are the trade-offs of using blockchain technology for identity and access management (IAM)? What is self-sovereign identity? How might blockchain self-sovereign or digital identity applications be applicable within the financial sector? Will you ask for your MIT diploma digitally or on paper? Session 23: Readings ‘Self-sovereign identity:Why blockchain?’, IBM. ‘Blockchain and Digital Identity–A Good Fit?’, Internet Society. ‘Can blockchain ease banks’ digital-identity concerns?’, -American Banker. ‘Blockchains and Digital Identity’, Toward Data Science. ‘Singapore Regulator, Banks Complete KYC Blockchain Prototype’, CCN.…
Blockchain & Money: Session 22: Trade Finance & Supply Chain, by M.I.T. Sloan School of Management with Professor Gary Gensler
Session 22: Trade Finance & Supply Chain Overview: Readings and Study Questions; Trade Finance; Trade Finance Blockchain Technology Efforts; Shipping and Supply Chain Blockchain Projects; Final Projects; Spring Courses; Conclusions. Session 22: Study Questions What attributes of trade finance and supply chain management might make this a ripe set of use cases for blockchain applications? What lessons might be drawn from the ongoing projects? Session 22: Readings ‘Trade Tech–A New Age for Trade and Supply Chain Finance’, World Economic Forum/Bain. ‘How Banks Are Teaming Up To Bring Blockchain To Trade Finance’, CB Insights. ‘Hong Kong, Singapore to link up trade finance blockchain platforms’, Reuters. ‘Business Interest in Blockchain Picks Up…
Blockchain & Money: Session 21: Post Trade Clearing, Settlement, and Processing, by M.I.T. Sloan School of Management with Professor Gary Gensler
Session 21: Post Trade Clearing, Settlement, and Processing Overview: Readings and Study Questions; Clearing and Settlement Services; Blockchain Technology Applicability; Blockchain Technology Projects; Derivatives Common Domain Model; Conclusions. Session 21: Study Questions What are the opportunities of blockchain technology to lower costs and counter-party risks in the clearing, settlement and processing of financial transactions? Why have the applications proposed to date almost exclusively been focused on permissioned or private distributed ledger technology? What lessons might be drawn from the ongoing projects–ASX for equities, ISDA for swaps, others? Session 21: Readings ‘Blockchain could save investment banks up to $12 billion a year: Accenture’, Reuters. ‘ISDA Publishes Digital Iteration of the Common…
Blockchain & Money: Session 20: Primary Markets, ICOs, and Venture Capital, Part 2, by M.I.T. Sloan School of Management with Professor Gary Gensler
Session 20: Primary Markets, ICOs, and Venture Capital, Part 2 Overview: Readings and Study Questions; Investor Protection and Howey Test; Initial Coin Offerings–Some Realities; SEC Enforcement Actions; SEC Exempt Offerings; ICOs–Pat Forward; Conclusions. Session 20: Study Questions How ICOs mix economic attributes of both consumption and investment. How ICO tokens’ design features–their risks, expectation of profits, manner of marketing, exchange trading, limited supply and capital formation–are similar to investments schemes. Why is the ICO market rife with scams and fraud? What is the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s current approach to ICOs? What are the options for completing a compliant ICO? Session 20: Readings ‘Digital Asset Transactions: When Howey Met…
Blockchain & Money: Session 19: Primary Markets, ICOs, and Venture Capital, Part 1, by M.I.T. Sloan School of Management with Professor Gary Gensler
Session 19: Primary Markets, ICOs, and Venture Capital, Part 1 Overview: Readings and Study Questions; Review of Bakkt Discussion; Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Characteristics; Evaluating ICOs; ICO Statistics; Conclusions. Session 19: Study Questions What is the new crowdfunding mechanism of blockchain technology–initial coin offerings (ICOs)? What attributes help distinguish successful ICOs? Why have so many ICOs failed? What has the wave of ICOs meant for the venture capital field? Session 19: Readings ‘All-Time Cumulative ICO Funding’, CoinDesk. ‘Initial Coin Offerings and the Value of Crypto Tokens’, Catalini and Gans. ’10 keys for evaluating Initial Coin Offering (ICO investments)’, Crypto Potato. ‘Nearly Half of 2017 Cryptocurrency “ICO” Projects Have Already Died’,…